Jasa Indonesia Insurance
PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) (Jasindo) the age of 37 on June 2, 2010 shows the ripeness and maturity in running the insurance business. As a company oriented to fulfilling the needs and customer satisfaction and always showed evidence of high commitment, not apart from its own pioneering value for the existence and growth of Jasindo insurance performance to date, so successful in gaining public confidence both within and outside the country there.
PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) (Jasindo) or better known as Jasindo Insurance is a company engaged in General Insurance and is one state that has the performance and excellent business performance. Jasindo insurance is a merger between PT and PT Asuransi Bendasraya General International Underwriters (UIU) to PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero), which confirmed the decision of the Minister of Finance Decree. 764/MK/IV/12/1972 dated December 9, 1972 and confirmed by Mohamad Ali Deed No. 1 dated June 2, 1973.
As one of the leading state in Indonesia, all shares are owned by the State Insurance Jasindo Republic of Indonesia and Insurance Jasindo to date with the strength of Indonesia's 89 Branch Offices & 1 Branch Office of Foreign Affairs, has a long and mature in the field of Public Insurance is committed to always provide excellent service to meet customer satisfaction.
The ability of insurance experience Jasindo (Jasindo) has been recognized also by the Agency for International rating agency Standard and Poor's for the category of "Claims Paying Ability" in 1997 with a rating of BBB. Furthermore, in the year 2008 to 2010 Insurance Jasindo again received recognition as one - the only company General Insurance national who obtained a rating by the rating agency International AM Best, based in Hong Kong and America, for the category "Financial Strength Ability" (Stable Outlook) with a rating of B + .
By always maintaining the spirit of hard work and strong desire to provide the best service to our customers, business partners and other stakeholders, is expected to what has been proclaimed as a goal in each year Jasindo Insurance can always try to achieve them optimally.
Source : http://www.jasindo.co.id/
PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) (Jasindo) or better known as Jasindo Insurance is a company engaged in General Insurance and is one state that has the performance and excellent business performance. Jasindo insurance is a merger between PT and PT Asuransi Bendasraya General International Underwriters (UIU) to PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero), which confirmed the decision of the Minister of Finance Decree. 764/MK/IV/12/1972 dated December 9, 1972 and confirmed by Mohamad Ali Deed No. 1 dated June 2, 1973.
As one of the leading state in Indonesia, all shares are owned by the State Insurance Jasindo Republic of Indonesia and Insurance Jasindo to date with the strength of Indonesia's 89 Branch Offices & 1 Branch Office of Foreign Affairs, has a long and mature in the field of Public Insurance is committed to always provide excellent service to meet customer satisfaction.
The ability of insurance experience Jasindo (Jasindo) has been recognized also by the Agency for International rating agency Standard and Poor's for the category of "Claims Paying Ability" in 1997 with a rating of BBB. Furthermore, in the year 2008 to 2010 Insurance Jasindo again received recognition as one - the only company General Insurance national who obtained a rating by the rating agency International AM Best, based in Hong Kong and America, for the category "Financial Strength Ability" (Stable Outlook) with a rating of B + .
By always maintaining the spirit of hard work and strong desire to provide the best service to our customers, business partners and other stakeholders, is expected to what has been proclaimed as a goal in each year Jasindo Insurance can always try to achieve them optimally.
Source : http://www.jasindo.co.id/
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