
"Insurance Firms Set Up Arbitration Body"

"Insurance Firms Set Up Arbitration Body"
 23 September 2006 - 05:00:00

Indonesian insurance companies inaugurated Friday an arbitration body to settle disputes with policy-holders and bypass the country's slow and questionable legal system.
The Indonesian Insurance Mediation Body (BMAI) set up by the federation of the associations of life and general insurance companies will begin operations next week.
"The BMAI is a kind of arbitration body for handling insurance-related disputes, which is established as a reaction to unsatisfactory legal verdicts that usually place companies at the losing end," said the chairman of the newly established body, Arizal ER. "The decisions made by the body will be legally binding," he said.
To give the best services, Arizal said he had consulted with insurance mediation bodies in Malaysia and Thailand and conducted numerous studies with them.
"In terms of services, we are prepared with the best standard operating produces, skilled professionals and a high standard of information technology," he said.
One of the services provided by the body is a 24-hour customer complaints procedure, which can be made through the Internet.
"In the past, there were many insurance claim disputes that were not handled properly. I hope that the BMAI can provide fair settlements to claims disputes and give more security to all stakeholders in the insurance industry," Capital Market Supervisory Agency (Bapepam) chairman Fuad Rachmani said.
Faud officially launched the body on the behalf of the government.
He said the country's legal system had not provided fair verdicts in claim disputes.
"Our judicial system has been very weak. People tend to feel unsafe starting up a business. They are scared because everything is unclear and this could cause them huge losses later on," Fuad said.
Indonesian Insurance Association chairman Ahmad Subianto said the establishment of the body was a milestone for the industry in Indonesia.
"Insurance disputes must be settled under the customs of the insurance industry," he said.
Customer trust drove the industry and although the body was funded by insurance companies, Fuad said would be independent, just and fair.
A monitoring body, the supervisory board of the arbitration body (BPBMAI) has also been established, headed by five association officials and four academics.
"The (BMAI) has to be monitored so that it will not be conterproductive to the growth of the industry," BPBMAI chairman Isa Rachmatarwata said.
Isa said his team of nine would not "interfere" with cases being handled by the body. However, it would ensure all activities were carried out under standard operating procedures, he said.
Source: (Andi Haswidi-Jakarta Post/Jakarta)

The Risk of Under-Insuring Your Assets

The Risk of Under-Insuring Your Assets

    Often unintentionally, assets might be under-insured and we appreciate to address its consequences in following write-up.
When insuring your assets, it is important to understand the difference between market value and insurance value. Market values represent the value of your assets, which a potential buyer would be willing to pay.
Where as Insurance Valuations focus either at the new replacement value or at the indemnity value. The new replacement value represents the value (or cost required) for a new replacement of your damaged assets. Where as the indemnity value is the new replacement value less depreciation in terms of usage, wear and tear etc.
The concept of insurance based on replacement value is to repair or reinstate or replace the damaged asset with similar asset which is not better or broader than the asset insured when it was new. This method is called insurance on a reinstatement basis.
The concept of insurance based on indemnity value is to repair or reinstate or replace the damaged asset with a similar asset which is not better or broader than the asset insured at the time immediately prior to the loss, taking into consideration the age condition and remaining useful life of the asset. This method is called insurance on an indemnity basis.
Please check your sum insured in your policy and make sure, that you correctly state your sum insured either as the new replacement value or the indemnity value that will serve as the basis for the settlement of claims. Some insurance policies only allow you to declare the new replacement value as the Sum Insured.
In case of under-insurance, if assets were under-insured by 40%, the compensation would also be reduced by 40% correspondingly. This practice is known in the insurance industry as "average" and explained in below illustration and following formula.
ILLUSTRATION (example with 40% under-insurance)
FORMULA : Sum Insured x Loss Amount = Compensation
                    Insurance Value

EXAMPLE : 60,000 x 40,000 = 24,000
as above    100,000

If you have any doubts on your insurance value, we recommend you to consult a professional appraiser or just talk to us.

Thank you for your attention,
Source :

The Best Life Insurance

The Best Life Insurance

   Life insurance is one important requirement related to financial planning. In recent years, unit-linked products including life insurance category is increasingly growing and provides many offerings. We recommend that you carefully before an investment that also have this protection.

Choose products that provide space for customers to adapt to the needs and abilities. There is an enticing product, because only by setting aside 10 thousand dollars per day, you can pay a premium for protection and long-term investment. But not just cheap, you need to also examine the extent of adjustments that you can do.

For example, changing the benefits of investment, in this case increase, reduce or even eliminate the benefits of protection, adjusted for the amount of premium. Is then the premium will also increase or follow the previous premium, if the customer then make adjustments as needed benefits.

To ensure the product is safe, thorough financial institutions also publisher of the product. This can be seen from the professionalism of insurance agents. Just ask, if the agent has a certification from the Life Insurance Association of Indonesia (AAJI) for example. It could also recognize the company's performance by measuring against the insurance industry recognition. The award of a number of economic media company's performance and even recognition of the world should be a consideration.
   We recommend that you select the insurance product by first discussing in detail the advantages and disadvantages. Professional insurance agent should provide a space for discussion and not just "sell"products.

Choose a Family Health Insurance

Choose a Family Health Insurance

  Health insurance today is not a foreign object again. Almost all banking institutions have health insurance package.
However, there is wrong in most public opinion about health insurance. That is the premium we pay is considered as money lost. Fortunately, not all think so. Most of the people of Indonesia have started literacy of the importance of health insurance. In general, health insurance will bear the risks we experience in terms of health.

Meanwhile, for family members who have not covered health insurance, should not be forgotten. We recommend that you include in other health insurance programs to suit the needs of families. Because so many insurance companies to provide an attractive offer, do not let one select the insurance that does not comply with the requirement.
Before a choice, learn the first few alternative health insurance bids. Consider carefully so as not grumpy later because that is not disappointed with the product as needed. Among them, know how long the insurance company has long standing and reputation of the insurance company in handling its members. Like the ease of payment and the handling of claims.

Do not hesitate when digging information from health insurers regarding the products will be selected. From this information, you will be able to obtain the insurance company's capital strength. And most important is to choose a package that really fit the needs of your family. For example, check on claims of labor if your wife is pregnant, or check is also about the small claims compulsory immunization in the first year. With foresight, you can get optimum benefit from the health insurance of your choice. 

Ace Insurance Indonesia

Ace Insurance Indonesia

     PT. ACE INA Insurance is a part of the ACE Group of Companies ®, a global leader in insurance and reinsurance. By getting evaluation of A + from Standard & Poor's and AM Best of the strength finanasial main operating companies, ACE Group is known through-owned underwriting expertise, superior claims handling as well as offices in various parts of the world. ACE is present in 53 countries and has commercial and individual customers in more than 170 countries.

We invite you to explore our site and learn more in the ACE and the services and products that we offer.

ACE Financial Strength
ACE Limited (NYSE: ACE) is one of the leading insurance and reinsurance organizations, with gross premium income (NWP) in 2009 amounted to U.S. $ 19.2 billion and net premium income (NWP) of U.S. $ 13.3 billion (earn money). Book Value company also increased by 36 percent compared with last year, reaching U.S. $ 19.7 billion (earn money) at the end of 2009. Investment income in 2009 was U.S. $ 2.1milyar.
Principal capital strength, financial stability, diverse sources of revenue and the basis of our operations are multinational are strong indicators that we are at a very strategic position to continue to grow and progressively expand in the future. In addition, major insurance companies that operate ACE also has succeeded in maintaining the financial strength rating of A + from AM Best and Standard & Poor's.
From a business perspective, ACE is committed to continue supporting its clients and will do anything to help customers insurance products companies that may have been feeling the effects and impact of disruption in the global insurance market.

A snapshot of the ACE Group
Report S & P Affirm Back Against ACE Assessment
On December 31, year 2009, the agency's appraiser Standard & Poor's (S & P) reaffirmed its financial strength rating "A +" (Strong) for major insurance companies that operate ACE, and a positive outlook on the rating. That means that there is likely to increase in value next year. Currently, among 43 other commercial insurance in the United States who also get a rating, ACE is among the three main insurance rating get a positive outlook from S & P. Support the decision on the assessment, credit analysis the S & P cited a number of reports on the strength of the ACE, including the presence of the ACE global, diversified sectors and product lines, liquidity and yield excellent work, portfolio investments carefully, and the strength of capital ownership is more than adequate and management Good corporate risk. S & P also reaffirmed the rating "A-" (Strong) counterparty credit against ACE Limited, which also has a positive outlook.
Anniversary of The ACE-25
In this year, in 2010, marking the anniversary of the ACE-25 - a significant journey for our company. ACE was founded in 1985 by 34 founding corporate sponsor to provide excess liability protection as well as directors & officers are difficult to find. In the summer, ACE Bermuda opened for business and shortly thereafter, ACE wrote the first insurance policy.

Jaya Proteksi Insurance

Jaya Proteksi Insurance

   PT Asuransi Jaya Protection was established in 1963 based on notarial deed No. Kahirman Gondowiryo. 7, dated October 4, 1963 under the name of PT Asuransi Sari Source Carriage Court. 

 In 2000, the Company experienced a change of name from PT Sari Resources Insurance carriers to PT Asuransi Jaya Agung Protection in accordance with DR deed. Teddy Anwar, SH. SPN. No. 70 dated 30 May 2000 and was approved by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia in his Decree No. C-TH.2001 1597.HT.01.04 dated March 6, 2001 and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 53 dated July 3, 2001.  
And by letter the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No.S.310/MK/6.2001 May 17, 2001, the Company's name change was also approved the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. 

In carrying out business activities in the insurance industry, particularly in the field of general insurance or life insurance, the Company has obtained an operating permit from the Directorate of Financial Institutions - Directorate General of Monetary Affairs - Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No. Kep-2560/MD/1986 April 21, 1986, which later was confirmed again by letter the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No.S.310/MK/6.2001 May 17, 2001. 

The Company is located at Jl. Mangga Dua Raya, Grand Boutique Centre Complex Blok E No.2-4 Jakarta, with branch offices and representatives in the area of ​​Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, Cirebon, Semarang, Surabaya, Kediri, Medan, Pekanbaru, Malang, Denpasar, Yogyakarta and Makassar, which has been operating effectively.